Bible-correcting Fundamental Baptists

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This is from the tail end of a discussion I was in about Bible correctors among fundamental Baptists.

Well, so much for Wycliffe’s desire “that every man … might read in the tongue wherein he was born the wonderful works of God.” It’s amazing to me that these men, just like the Catholics in Wycliffe’s day, think we cannot understand the Bible without having access to the original languages, and think we cannot produce a Bible that does not require the common man to either have access to the originals or (as they would prefer) depend on the scholars to help him get the best understanding of his Bible. Who was going to guide me into all truth? The originals? The scholars? Or was it the Holy Ghost?


P.S. According to these men, there will never be a Bible faithful enough to the originals for them to get weaned off the original languages. Because the standard of faithful translation is their scholarship and their own measure.
